這教學是當時pi2 用的教學 如果你是新的pi4 應該就內建chrome了
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser
這樣就可以了,然後epiphany 如果google 全螢幕的話
應該會找到像是-f 或–fullscreen等的參數可以下,不過這是沒用的。
所以要去安裝sudo apt-get install xdotool
然後透過sleep 20s
xdotool key F11來讓他全螢幕,也就是用自動用鍵盤幫你按F11的概念,有點蠢不過是有用的
install Firefox on Debian Wheezy (Raspbian):
On Debian, Firefox is rebranded as Iceweasel. So, to install Iceweasel, which is Firefox with a different logo on Raspbian, do this:
$ sudo apt-get install iceweasel
Install Chromium on Raspberry Pi running Debian Wheezy (Raspbian):
$ sudo apt-get install chromium
Install Chromium on Raspberry Pi running Arch Linux:
$ sudo pacman -S chromium
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